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Conditional events

Conditional events give the option to run a script whenever it's executed. They can be used in event_* or in the triggers section.

Element Mandatory Description
type ✅ condition or condition-file
event ✅ When on condition an array of strings. When on condition-file the path to a jinja2 file
description ❎ Description for your own reference


This is the older syntax where the script is directly defined in the json file. It is not very readable so the condition-file is a better option, especially for larger scripts.

  "trigger_type": "condition",
  "condition": [ "{% set heading = (data.get_simvar_value('AUTOPILOT_HEADING_LOCK_DIR') / 27.0) | round %}",
                  "{{ data.set_encoder_led_value(2, heading) }}"]

Condition file

condition-file enables the condition to be made in a seperate file. This enables syntax highlighting in Visual Studio Code and leaves the json file readable.

"event_press": {
  "type": "condition-file",
  "event": "Functions/Generic/heading-bug-sync.jinja2",
  "description": "Set heading bug to current heading"
{# Set the heading bug to the current flown heading #}
{# HEADING_INDICATOR returns in radians but HEADING_BUG_SET needs it in degrees  #}
{% set heading = (data.get_simvar_value('HEADING_INDICATOR') * 180 / 3.14) | round %}
{{ data.trigger_event('HEADING_BUG_SET', heading) }}

Condition syntax

The condition uses jinja2 to execute the script. To understand the full capabilities of this read the Template Designer Documentation.

Available functions

In the jinja code there is a data object available which is an instance of the With this object functions can be called to execute specific actions.

Function Description
data.get_simvar_value(name: str) Get the value of a simvar
data.set_simvar_value(name: str, value) Set the value of a simvar
data.trigger_event(name: str, value) Trigger an event
data.trigger_encoder_alternate(index: int, value: bool) Trigger the alternate mode of an encoder
data.set_global_variable(key: str, value) Set a variable in the application, this can be used in other conditions,
data.get_global_variable(key: str) Get a variable from the application
data.print(data) Print something in the console output of the application
data.set_button_led(index: int, on: bool, blink=False) Set the LED of a button
data.set_encoder_led(index: int, on: bool, blink=False) Set the entire LED ring of an encoder
data.set_encoder_led_value(index: int, value: int, blink=False) Set the LED ring to a specific value

Examples with explanation

This first example can be used to synchronize the heading bug to the current flown heading. First the HEADING_INDICATOR simvar is read, this returns the current heading in radians. These radians are then converted to degrees, rounded to a whole number and stored in the script variable heading. The script variable is then used as the parameter for the trigger_event function.

{# Set the heading bug to the current flown heading #}
{# HEADING_INDICATOR returns in radians but HEADING_BUG_SET needs it in degrees  #}
{% set heading = (data.get_simvar_value('HEADING_INDICATOR') * 180 / 3.14) | round %}
{{ data.trigger_event('HEADING_BUG_SET', heading) }}

This example monitors the AUTOPILOT_VERTICAL_HOLD simvar and triggers the alternate mode for an encoder. The LED of the encoder is also updated based on the status.

{% if data.get_simvar_value('AUTOPILOT_VERTICAL_HOLD') == 1.0 %}
    {{ data.trigger_encoder_alternate(5, True) }}
    {{ data.set_encoder_led(5, True) }}
{% else %}
    {{ data.trigger_encoder_alternate(5, False) }}
    {{ data.set_encoder_led(5, False) }}
{% endif %}