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Manual events

Manual events give the option to attach a value when an event is called.

Element Mandatory Description
event ✅ The event to call
type ✅ Always set to manual
value ✅ The value to send with the event
description ❎ Description for your own reference


For example to select the speed mode in the A320 SPEED_SLOT_INDEX_SET event can be set to 1 for selected mode and 2 for managed mode.

"event_short_press": {
  "event": "SPEED_SLOT_INDEX_SET",
  "type": "manual",
  "value": 1,
  "description": "A32NX - set AP Speed Hold to selected mode"
"event_long_press": {
  "event": "SPEED_SLOT_INDEX_SET",
  "type": "manual",
  "value": 2,
  "description": "A32NX - set AP Speed Hold to managed mode"